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Microalgae are aquatic plants, are also referred to as phytoplankton, microphytes, or planktonic algae. They are cultivated according to their size and specific requirements. Microalgae are not easily cultivated on a large scale and are most often taken as wild. In aquaculture fish farming is the most common practice.They are cultured for food and trading purposes. Fishes are produced in open ocean, tanks and ponds. In recent days the fish species like carp, salmon, tilapia, and catfish are mostly produced. Advances in Aquaculture includes farming of aquatic echinoderms, sponges, jelly fishes
For Shellfish mariculture, fertilizer or feed are not required. Artificial reefs are formed to improve the harvesting and productivity of the certain fishes. In nets, cages and long-line arrays that are floating freely are considered as a part of open ocean culture. Enhanced stocking is the method of releasing the grown fish into the open ocean, at the time of breeding 80% of fishes return to their place where they are born. In seawater pond mariculture, the small ponds are made near to the sea to receive the sea water for cultivating aquatic species.
Normally fish feed consist of vitamins, elements and macronutrients. Nutrient is identified as an essential for metabolic function. In feed there are chances of formation of toxin content, which may lead to loss in productivity, morbidity and mortality. Normally in aquaculture pond there are lot of organism, if the feed is highly nutrient then the pond will be fertile so it will assist in natural growth of phytoplankton , zooplankton and invertebrates.
Biotechnological process is used for improving the survival of endangered species and success in breeding process. It helps to conserve biodiversity. Newly emerging infectious disease is the major ongoing problem in aquaculture. In salmon farming, Holding Systems is the recent technology with advancement in the sea-cage design.
Wave action hit the shoreline constantly with different strengths which shape the coastal lines resulting into various land levels. The sand dunes are made by atmospheric wind which blow in beach sand. Sedimentation in rocks, plants, animal and marine life is affected by warm weather condition. The salt is taken from the sea by wind and formation of salt crystals in the small pores in rocks leads to various rock texture. Due to the climatic change the sea levels rise and fall.
Fishery is the kind of industry which includes catching and selling of fishes for the purpose of food, medicine and research. Other than marine water fisheries there are fresh water fisheries as well. There are two types of waters, namely, the fresh and the brackish. The fresh water sources are irrigation canals, reservoirs, lakes, tanks, ponds. The estuaries, lagoons and mangrove swamps constitute the brackish type of water.
Industry aquaculture activity concerned with extraction, culturing, processing, preserving, storing, transporting, marketing or selling fish or fish products. Catching of fish, culturing the fish, selling the fish and fish related products in a good quality in market are the commercial sector practices.Traditional sector include commercial sector but it is in very small scale, the fishing is in a traditional way such as rod and tackle, arrows and harpoons, throw nets and drag nets, etc. Various organizations provide Fishing books, magazines, design and building of boats with provision of accommodation, guide for fishing adventure, manufacture and retail of tackle and apparel. The ocean covers 71% of the earth's surface and 80% of the value of exploited marine resources are attributed to the fishing industry.
Fisheries management is the activity of protecting fishery resources. Precautionary principle is the fishery Manager's Guidebook issued in 2009 by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) of the United Nations, advises that the precautionary approach or certain principle are should be applied. Study and analysis of emerging and specialized area of marine food and aquaculture is fisheries law. Management mechanism are restricting the equipment like bows and arrows, spears, firearms, prohibiting nets, fish traps, etc.
Artificial breeding , rearing and hatching at an early stage,are the common fish hatching procedures followed for finfish and shellfish in particular. The hatchery supports the other aquaculture industry by supplying early stages of cultured species like larval, juvenile fish and shell fish. They are transferred to on-growing systems, such as fish farms, to reach the harvest size. The production type, issue of Fish Hatchery, Hatchery Design are included in Fish Hatchery.
There are two types of culture Monoculture and Polyculture. Monoculture is the culture of specific species at a time.The advantage of this method of culture is that it assists the farmer to make the feed that will meet the requirement of a specific fish, especially in the intensive culture system. Polyculture is the practice of culture more than one species of aquatic organism in the same pond. Raising of different combination of fish in single pond is the motivational principle. They are also classified according to their Size and Feed.
The study of marine life in the sea is marine biology. Marine life is classified as Microscopic life, Plants and algae, Invertebrates, Fungi, Vertebrates. Coastal and open ocean habitats are two major classifications of marine habitats. The marine ecosystem is largest of all ecosystems with various sub-fields.
In many countries, fish is the primary source of protein. Fishes can be processed into many food products. The cultured or captured fishes are distributed through out the world in different ways such as by freezed, live, dried, minced, powdered, canned, salted, pickled, smoked, boiled, fried, etc. Fish is available easily at low cost, which is making its demand to increase in developing countries.
Increase of temperature in atmosphere and pollution causes to the destruction of coral reefs, it leads to threat to the life of some marine species and mariculture. Overfishing, blast fishing, cyanide fishing are also effecting the marine habitats. The possible remedy for this is to follow the rules, avoid the restricted fishing methods and control over fishing. Targeting of specific species leads to ecological disruption in food chain. Marine debris formed by dumping the plastics, nets, buoys is one of the causes of marine life destruction.
The area with an aquatic population or associated fish is a fishery. They can be catched or cultivated. Population dynamics is the population increase or decrease by time, they are controlled by birth or death or by migration. A fish is harvested for its commercial or recreational value. Fisheries can be wild or farmed. Population dynamics describes the ways in which a given population grows and shrinks over time, given by understanding the changes in fishery pattern and issues like optimal harvesting rate, predation, habitat destruction. The population dynamics of fisheries is used by fisheries scientists to determine sustainable yields.
Copper alloys are important netting materials in aquaculture. There are more materials for netting including nylon, polyester, polypropylene, polyethylene, plastic-coated welded wire, rubber, patented twine products (Spectra, Dyneema), and galvanized steel.
Scientist are trying to develop the aquaculture method over the past decades. Integrated multi-tropic aquaculture takes the concept from nature that one organism food always depends on another organism. In that finfish generate organic and inorganic waste that shellfish would consume and aqua plants also depends on it. Byproducts of one aquatic species include waste used for other aquatic organisms input as food or fertilizer.
Categorical data analysis of contingency tables and measures of association, Logistic regression and log linear models; generalized linear models, Bioassay analysis, Generalized estimating equations, Weighted least squares regression, Exact methods, Zero-inflated Poisson regression, Zero-inflated negative binomial regression. Bayesian analysis modelling and inference for generalized linear models, accelerated life failure models, Cox regression models and piece wise exponential models, General procedure fits Bayesian models with arbitrary priors and likelihood functions. Multivariate analysis , Factor analysis, Principal components, Canonical correlation and discriminate analysis, Path analysis, Structural equations. Survival analysis are Comparison of survival distributions, Accelerated failure time models, Proportional hazards models. Psychometric analysis are Multidimensional scaling, Conjoint analysis with variable transformations, Correspondence analysis. Cluster analysis are hierarchical clustering of multivariate data or distance data, Disjoint clustering of large data sets, Nonparametric clustering with hypothesis tests for the number of clusters.
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are used in most of the homes, and in fish cultivation where there is limited water supply. For ammonia toxicity reduction, biofilters are used. RAS depends on biofiltration for the conversion of ammonia (NH4+ and NH3) into nitrate , which is excreted by fish. In addition to liquid waste removal of solid waste is also treated by concentrating the waste and flushing it out of the system. To obtain high production densities, the water in the system has to be reoxygenated. Oxygen is required by the fish to metabolize food and growth, so do the bacteria communities in the biofilter. pH control has to be carefully monitored and controlled. Initial step of nitrification in the biofilter consumes alkalinity and the pH of the system gets lowered. Temperature also has to be in controlled because each fish species have a preferred temperature which when altered causes negative health effects and kills the fish.
Fisheries science is the study of management and understanding fisheries. Fisheries Research is towing of different types of samples collecting from plankton, fishing nets, water samples from a range of depth. Notable Contributors are members of this list meet one or more of the following criteria: 1) Author of widely cited peer-reviewed articles on fisheries, 2) Author of major reference work in fisheries, 3) Founder of major fisheries journal, museum or other related organization 4) Person most notable for other reasons who has also worked in fisheries science.
Innovation is the deliberate procedure of using or adapting developments and enhanced practices for practical use by an individual, at organizational or national level. Cases of fisheries and aquaculture advancements include harvesting technologies, conservation technologies, aquaculture technologies, new products and markets, and institutional innovation. Globally the fisheries business faces comparable difficulties and openings. As move into 2017, there is still less concentrate on innovation in fisheries than other industries in TRA’s opinion. In any case, there are a few indications of progress.