Keynote Forum
Dr Vaitheeswaran Thiruvengadam
Hatchery Technician and Head Victoria Treasures Limited East Africa
Time : 10.00-10.45 am

I am Dr Vaitheeswaran Thiruvengadam (DoB: 03-06-1969), M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., (Zoology/Fisheries Science), Bharathidasan University, Trichy, India. He holds over 24 years of fisheries biology and resource management and finfish and shellfish taxonomy, and he has received and awarded (Ph.D) Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship Award (AUS $ 73,200), Doctor of Philosophy, School of Aquaculture, University of Tasmania, Australia. He has reported more than 66 species of finfishes, shellfishes and marine invertebrates were reported for the first time from Indian waters at Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. I have been working as Lecturer 1, Department of Aquaculture, DMI St. John the Baptist University, Malawi. I have fisheries experience with 24 years in fisheries biology and resource management project was handled with wild extensions and scientific community with hatchery, feed management, juvenile, cage culture Victoria Lake at Uganda, and culture of various species, species like finfish and shellfish groups. Dr. T. Vaitheeswaran has over 83 substantial publications, including 24 papers an international peer-reviewed publications, 22 National peer-reviewed papers, 6 international conference papers, Renowned Speakers of International conference at Australia, 13 edited and co-edited book, monographs, and training manual, 3 reviewed chapters, 201 external reports in English and Tamil newspaper reports at Gulf of Mannar, India.
Length-Weight relationship was studied in Oreochromis lidole (Trewavas, 1941), for Republic of Malawi. The slope value (b) estimated for O. lidole of both sexes was found to be 1.4889. The regression equations calculated for both sexes was Log W = -2.2636 + 1.4889 Log L The correlations coefficient was found to be significant (P<0.01). The significant difference between sexes of this species ‘F’ value was at 1% level. The b value differed from the ideal cube law of ‘3’ as is with the case of length-weight relationship studied in Mangochi, Malawi, Central Africa. The slope value was compared here could be very useful for comparison with the tilapia species in other geographical locations.